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King Kong (2005) 168–9
King, Stephen 38
Kline, Kevin 26
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 198
Kubrick, Stanley 210–11
Kurland, Peter 4
Kurtzman, Alex 58, 67
Ladykillers, The 10
Larceny 223
Law, Jude 27, 142
Lawrence of Arabia 115, 116, 119, 121–3, 123
Lawrence, T. E. 119
Lean, David 115–33, 123
Ledger, Heath 226
Lee, Alan 159
Lee, Ang 29
Lego Batman Movie, The 220
Lehman, Ernest 85
Lennox, Annie 165
Levy, Shawn 176
Lievsay, Skip 2, 3, 3, 15
Lincoln 212–13
Lindelof, Damon 67
Lion King, The 218, 220–1
Looking for Richard 157
Lord of the Rings Symphony, The 166
Lord of the Rings, The trilogy 108, 153, 154–5, 158–61, 169–70
Fellowship of the Ring, The 153–5, 157–8, 162, 164, 165
Two Towers, The 158, 163, 164
Return of the King, The 107, 155, 158, 163–4, 165
Lorre, Peter 53
Lost (TV show) 57, 61–3
Love’s Labour’s Lost (2000) 25–6
Lucas, George 71, 200, 207
McCartney, Paul 22
McDonagh, Martin 5
McDormand, Frances 2, 9
McDowell, Michael 46
McEwan, Geraldine 21
Madden, John 150
Magnificent Seven, The (2016) 99
Maltese Falcon, The 211
Man of Steel 228–9
Man Who Knew Too Much, The 81, 82–3
Man Who Wasn’t There, The 13
Mancini, Henry 13, 93
Margeson, Matthew 53
Markey, Mary Jo 58
Marnie 75, 89–90
Mars Attacks! 49–50
Martian, The 220
Mary Rose (play) 84
Mason, James 85
Maxwell, Bill 2
Medal of Honour series 60
Memento 222–3
Men in Black 37
Mendes, Sam 135–50
Michaels, Lorne 156
Milan, Brett 233–4
Milk 37
Miller’s Crossing 9
Minority Report 211
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children 36, 53
Missing, The 107
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol 57
Mission: Impossible III 57, 64, 65
Mr Holmes 5
Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 23–4
Munich 209
Murder on the Orient Express (2017) 21, 30–1
Murphy, Eddie 181
Murray, Bill 181
Murray, Lyn 78
‘Music for the Movies’ 31–2
Music of Indiana Jones, The 200, 201
My Beautiful Laundrette 219
My Week with Marilyn 20
Myers, Stanley 219
Naked Lunch 157, 167
Neame, Ronald 118
Newman, Alfred 136, 137, 195
Newman, David 137
Newman, Emil 136
Newman, Joey 137
Newman, Lionel 136–7, 138
Newman, Maria 137
Newman, Paul 90
Newman, Randy 137
Newman, Thomas 135–50
Newton Howard, James 168–9, 218, 224, 226, 227
Nichols, Mike 140
Niehaus, Lennie 39
Night at the Museum series 176
Nightbeast 58
Nightmare Before Christmas, The 35, 41, 43, 45–6, 47
No Country for Old Men 1, 14–15
Nolan, Christopher 217–38, 221
Nolan, Jonathan 227
Norman, Monty 146, 147
North, Alex 12
North by Northwest 75, 85–6
Nostromo 133
O Brother, Where Art Thou? 2, 6
Obsession 92
Oingo Boingo 36, 37–8, 39, 46–7
Oliver Twist 118
O’Neill, Norman 84
Orci, Roberto 58, 67
Panic Room 166
Parfitt, David 20
Passage to India, A 115, 130–2
Passengers 136
Passionate Friends, The 118
Pee-wee’s Big Adventure 37, 39, 53
Pegg, Simon 58
Person of Interest 58
Petit, Philippe 187
Pfeiffer, Michelle 30, 43
Piaf, Edith 230
Pirates of the Caribbean series 219
Pitt, Brad 187
Planet of the Apes (1968) 50, 65
Planet of the Apes (2001) 50
Polar Express, The 176, 185
Ponti, Carlo 126
Portis, Charles 6
Poseidon Adventure, The 195
Post, The 194
Powell, John 220
Preminger, Otto 84
Prestige, The 223
Price, Vincent 38, 53
Prince 42
Psycho 75, 76, 80, 86–8, 91, 93
Raiders of the Lost Ark 70, 200, 201
Raimi, Sam 37, 176
Rain Man 218
Raising Arizona 1, 8–9
Rama Rau, Santha 130
Ready Player One 176, 193
Reagan, Ronald 178
Rear Window 79
Rebecca 79
Reeves, Matt 58, 60
Reivers, The 195, 196
Renaissance Theatre Company 20–1
Return of the Jedi 138
Return of the King, The 107, 155, 158, 163–4, 165
Reubens, Paul 37, 38
Revolutionary Road 135, 144–5
Ridley, Daisy 30
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 28
Road to Perdition 135, 142–3
Rodgers, Richard 120–1
Rogers, Kenny 13
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 57, 66, 69
Romancing the Stone 175, 177–8, 189
Rota, Nino 39
Rózsa, Miklós 78
Russell, David O. 37
Ryan’s Daughter 127–9
Rydell, Mark 195
Sala, Oskar 88
Saturday Night Live (TV show) 156
Saving Private Ryan 205, 208–9
Sayer, Roger 234
Schifrin, Lalo 64
Schindler, Oskar 206
Schindler’s List 193, 206–7, 208
Schmidt, Arthur 189
Schoonmaker, Thelma 167
Scorsese, Martin 83, 93, 98, 122, 167
Scott, Ridley 100, 219, 221
Scott, Tony 220
Scrooged 40
Selick, Henry 45, 46, 47
Selznick, David O. 79
Sense and Sensibility (1995) 29
Serious Man, A 13
Sessions, John 20
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, The 119
Shadow of A Doubt 79
Shakespeare, William 26–7
Sharif, Omar 122, 123
Sherlock Holmes 218
Shore, Howard 47, 153–72, 163
Shyamalan, M. Night 224
Sight and Sound (magazine) 83
Silence of the Lambs, The 157
Silvestri, Alan 175–90, 183, 194
Simone, Nina 13
Simpsons, The 36
Skyfall 135, 145–8
Sleuth 27
Smith, Lee 225
Snows of Kilimanjaro, The 78
Soderbergh, Steven 150, 222
Sommers, Stephen 176
Sonnenfeld, Barry 4
Sound Barrier, The 118
Spectre 148–9
Spellbound 78, 89
Spider 166
Spiegel, Sam 119, 120, 122
Spielberg, Steven 193–214r />
collaborations 176, 177
DreamWorks 140
and Herrmann 93
influences 122
photo of 205
work by 60, 69–70
Splash 108
Stalk of the Celery Monster 38
Star Trek 57, 66–9
Star Trek Beyond 57, 69
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 99
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 100
Star Trek: Into Darkness 57, 63, 69
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 67, 99, 155
Star Wars 155, 194, 199, 221
The Empire Strikes Back 200
Return of the Jedi 138
The Force Awakens 57, 59, 70, 148
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 57, 66, 69
Episode IX 70
Starsky & Hutch (TV show) 176
Steiner, Max 77, 208, 213
Stewart, James 83
Stone, Oliver 209
Strangers on a Train 79
Streep, Meryl 182
Sugarland Express 196–7
Summer Madness 118
Super 8 69–70
Superman series 194
Swan Song 20
Sweeney Todd 36
Swofford, Beth 140
Taking Care of Business 60
Tales from the Crypt (TV show) 176
Tarantinso, Quentin 93
Taxi Driver 77, 93
Taylor, Richard 159
Terminator, The 99, 100
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (PlayStation game) 60
Thin Red Line, The 218
Thomas, Emma 222
Thompson, Caroline 43, 46, 47
Thompson, Emma 22, 32
Thor 27–8
Tiomkin, Dimitri 79, 195
Titanic 97, 101, 102, 104–7
To Catch a Thief 78
To Kill a Mockingbird 195
Topaz 93
Torn Curtain 76, 90, 91–2, 93
Towering Inferno, The 195
Toy Story trilogy 137
Trevorrow, Colin 58
Tristan und Isolde (Wagner) 84
Trouble with Harry, The 75, 80–2, 89
True Grit 6–8
True Lies 103
Turturro, John 5
Twilight 5
Twisted Nerve 93
Two Towers, The 158, 163, 164
United Kingdom, A 29
Up 59
Used Cars 177
Valley of the Dolls 195
Van Sant, Gus 37
Vangelis 222
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 210
Verbinski, Gore 176, 219
Vertigo 75, 80, 83–5, 89, 93
Vincent 38
Wachowskis, The 58
Wagner, Richard 84
Walk, The 187
Walking Stick, The 219
Wallfisch, Benjamin 237
Walsh, Fran 154, 158, 160, 165, 166, 171
Walton, William 119
War for the Planet of the Apes 65
War Horse 193, 209–10
Washington, Denzel 23
Waxman, Franz 79, 195
Weaver, Sigourney 101
Webster, Paul Francis 126
Weir, Peter 133, 225
Welles, Orson 77
What Lies Beneath 184–5
Who Framed Roger Rabbit 176, 181, 189
Williams, John 87, 193–214
and Hitchcock 79
and Jurassic trilogy 65–6
legacy 70
photo of 205
and Star Wars 57, 59
Willis, Bruce 60, 182
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) 51
Winslet, Kate 24, 144
Wise, Robert 67
Wonder Woman 220
Wood, Ed 47, 49
Wrong Man, The 83
Wuthering Heights (opera) 92
Young, Freddie 122
Zarin, Mike 230
Zemeckis, Robert 140, 156, 175–90, 183
Zimmer, Hans 64, 217–38, 221
Zophres, Mary 4
First published 2018 by
Elliott and Thompson Limited
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epub: 978-1-78396-367-6
MOBI: 978-1-78396-368-3
Copyright © Jennifer Nelson 2018
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